We are FLC: Family Law in the City
We are a team of family lawyers determined to do things differently, while maintaining the highest professional standards. Our goal is to work with you in ways that optimise this and avoid the worst excesses of a relationship coming to an end.
We will advise you and guide you, so that you can make practical decisions that you can live with.
Your relationship with FLC requires you to feel at ease with your solicitor. To establish a rapport, we will meet you at no charge*, either in person or over video link, to explore whether we can work together effectively.
*All initial courtesy meetings or phone calls will be limited to 30 minutes.

Have you separated from your partner, or are you thinking of separating and need advice on a divorce or a dissolution from a civil partnership?
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Sorting out your finances following a separation can be tricky, but if handled correctly, it does not need to get messy or become contentious. Know your rights and understand the law before reaching any agreement with your ex.
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Child arrangements
Reaching an agreement regarding the arrangements for your children after a separation can be one of the biggest challenges. Consider the options available to help you move forward.
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Financial provision for children
Do you need additional financial support for your children, either for day to day expenses, or to rehouse you? Check the law and establish whether further financial provision could be awarded in your case.
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There is no such thing as common law husband and wife, but if you have been in a long term relationship that has or is coming to an end, check whether you have any entitlement for either yourself or your children.
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Pre & Post-nuptial agreements
Do you have personal or family wealth, or a potential inheritance that you wish to ring-fence, or do you simply want to set out the arrangements that would kick in should you separate down the line? Speak to us about how a nuptial agreement could help.
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